Juliet Runs Away From Home

But it's difficult to avoid people when you live in such a small house. Then, all of a sudden, Juliet stops coming home at night. The next thing we knew she has completely disappeared. To be honest, I didn't give a fuck. I don't think I would have cared much if she had turned up dead. Of course, I didn't tell the police that. As best as I could I explained the situation to the cops. I told them Juliet was rebellious and out of control. She had nicked money from Val's purse, so I hoped the Old Bill would charge her, pin something on her, if they did find her. I even suggested that they should have her sent to a borstal for girls. I wasn't able to handle her. But deep down in my heart I really hoped that they would never find her, and that she wouldn't bother coming home. None of us had any idea where she might have gone. We'd lived in Bristol for most of her life and I could only imagine that she had to be somewhere nearby, maybe shacking up with some friend. Juliet had always been close to Val's mother, but she hadn't gone to Slough to stay with her gran.